We wish the Buddhism continue flourishing and ever-lasting

Date:2018-09-27 Clicks:


        More than half of the buildings were destroyed during the 2010 Yushu earthquake. Over the years, under the care and assistance of the Party and state leaders, people across the country and friends in the community, rows of Tibetan herder's new home were built which offered safe home to thousands of people in disaster areas. The sound of loud reading is now heard from the highly modernized school campus. The well-equipped new hospital offers pain relief for the majority of the Tibetan masses. A new commercial area is started to boom and new roads were built that lined up with trees. Sections of power grid are extending across the Tibetan plateau to Yushu. Today, people in Yushu have been completely out of the shadow of disaster and Yushu has become the most modernized city - the Yushu City.

         As the Thrangu Monastery is located at the earthquake fault, according to government leaders about the site requirements, we must be moved from the original location to Benda for the reconstruction of the new Monastery. After four years of joint efforts, the grand opening of the Monastery was on August 15 last year.

         Time flies, the Grand Opening of our Thrangu Monastery has soon been one year, let us look back on the day how joyful we were during the grand opening day!

         We wish the Buddhism forever flourishing and the world peace!

         We wish the happiness and the purity of the sentient beings and the early certification of Buddhahood!



诸佛灭度已   供养舍利者
起万亿种塔   金银及玻瓈
砗磲与玛瑙   玫瑰瑠璃珠
清净广严饰   庄校于诸塔 
或有起石庙   栴檀及沉水
木櫁并余材   砖瓦泥土等
若于旷野中   积土成佛庙
乃至童子戏   聚沙为佛塔
 如是诸人等   皆已成佛道
若人为佛故   建立诸形像
刻雕成众相   皆已成佛道
或以七宝成   鍮鉐赤白铜
白镴及铅锡   铁木及与泥
或以胶漆布   严饰作佛像
如是诸人等   皆已成佛道
彩画作佛像   百福庄严相
自作若使人   皆已成佛道
        We appreciate the help and support for the reconstruction of the Monastery!
